Thursday, February 12, 2015

Rhetoric Analysis Practice

In class, we were told to examine a part of the academic building and give a rhetorical analysis of it for practice

The Science Wing of the academic building is a very appropriate area to learn and do scientific activities. Many seats and tables are littered around to allow for people to study or relax. The rooms are also very well lit by natural light emitted from large windows. In the center of the building there is a balcony where multiple floors can be seen. This allows the hallways and the atrium to appear more open and spacious. By doing this, the architects have build a perfect learning environment. Claustrophobic areas do not allow for people to think freely. The blandly colored walls and abundance of square shaped objects are implemented to not distract anyone from their work. Really colorful areas can be appealing to the eye but they can be distracting to people who are trying to study. The purpose of the building, scientific learning, can easily be gathered by walking around. Many posters, trophies, and display cases filled with lab equipment are scattered around the building to show its dedication to facilitating science. The lab activities being done inside the classrooms can also be seen to further express a pride in science. The new Science Wing was a great addition to the campus. The modern design allows for a superior learning environment.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Rhetoric Analysis Essay Advertisement

In class today, we were assigned to Rhetoric Analysis Essay.  We were told to pick a vintage ad that we could analyze.  In the spirit of my interests, I have chosen an old ad for American Airlines.  The original ad (in a larger size) can be found here:

Monday, February 2, 2015


After watching the video "Patton Oswalt's Magical Black Man", I started thinking about if I was even convinced to stop doing something I wasn't good at.  Unfortunately, I have not had a memorable experience where someone told me something I was doing wasn't worth my time.  I still can take a lesson away from it though.  It's important though to listen criticism of what you choose to do.  The "magic black man" from the video could be anyone in our lives.  It could be a family member, a friend, or a complete stranger.  If I were to receive any criticism, I would evaluate what it means and determine if I should change my life choices if their comment struck a chord.  Even though I haven't had an instance like the video I'll still be mindful if something like it were to happen.